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Join us at our 9th Annual Ladies of Legacy Gala


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What we do

Limitless Ambition, Inc. works with young women to overcome the boundaries to their success. We preserve and promote the visions of young girls and women who may have been discouraged from pursuing their long-term goals. By providing resources, training, and support, we assist these women in developing limitless ambitions.

Dream. Believe. Achieve. 

Video Created by University of Akron Students | Music Score by CineMusic Mood  

Thank you to Our school partners


I learned new ways to cope with life in a fun way. It has shown [me] that there are safe spaces for women my age inside of schools

-Purposely Chosen Teen Program participant


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. (note: short summary of programs)

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Purposely Chosen Teen Program

A facilitated curriculum-based program for teen girls, designed to equip them with the tools they need to pursue passion, demonstrate leadership, and overcome obstacles. 

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The Limitless Ambition Dream Kit

The Dream Kit project was started to provide our custom curriculum and support tools to girls impacted by trauma. Specifically, the Dream Kit is distributed to girls who are in or transitioning out of foster care.

Women's Empowerment Events

Limitless Ambition hosts a variety of Women's Empowerment Events that have a goal to empower women to push past life's circumstances and live without limits! Limitless Ambition also facilitates empowerment workshops for community agencies.


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We have gathered resources to help guide you through eating disorders, domestic violence, assault, and suicidal thoughts. These resources are free and available around the clock.

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From choosing classes to finding scholarships, take advantage of our online guide of resources to support achieving your goals from high school through college graduation.

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Learning doesn't end after school lets out. We have compiled a list of resources that can help anyone with important steps such as career mapping, development and further learning.


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