Does your organization share a similar mission in serving our community? We would love to discuss how we could collaborate together and advance both of our missions. Please contact us today!
Partnership Opportunities Include:
Bring Limitless Ambition to your Organization: We can facilitate our Purposely Chosen Teen Enrichment Program or a Workshop with the members of your organization or school
Become a Dream Kit Distributor: Partner with Limitless Ambition and receive some Dream Kits for your organization to distribute
Become a Corporate Sponsor: Want to help support the work that we are doing? Sponsor one of our events, program or scholarship fund!
Host a Donation Drive for Limitless Ambition: Limitless Ambition is always in need of the below items for our Dream Kits or for Young Women in need in the area:
Menstruation Products
Toothbrushes and Tooth Paste
High-quality soaps (Bath and Body Works etc.)
Black Hair Care Products
Gift Cards (To be used as incentives for girls who complete our program or workbook that accompanies the Dream Kit)
Monetary Donations