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How to Find the Perfect College

Throughout all of high school, what is most preached in this generation’s classrooms is that getting a higher education is necessary. I heard it about a hundred times throughout my senior year alone. It can’t be denied. Most occupations are looking on resumes for a University’s name. Much is accredited to obtaining a sheepskin. It takes time, hard work, and intelligence to get through school and even just this concept of the typical graduate makes it easier to get a job. However, most of the time, going to these institutions isn’t cheap. No one wants to waste their money on anything that leads to debt of that magnitude. Therefore it’s incredibly important to pick the right place. There are ways for you to find out what would be good for you. It takes serious, honest self-evaluation which takes time, but is also very doable.

When weighing pros and cons on any big decision, the first thing that could help you is to evaluate what you already know you want. For example, if you know what you want your major to be, you could easily look for schools that have a great program for the specific degree you were planning on. If you know you want to get as far away from your parents as possible, look into schools on the opposite side of the country. Knowing what is most important for wherever you end up could get your search started on the right foot. Even knowing what you can’t live with, like being away from home, could help you understand your priorities.

Think about what you’re going to college for. Consider where you want to go, what degree you’ll be taking and if there is any specific place to get this degree. Think about what kind of environment you want. You could be at a small private school, a thriving city school or somewhere in between. Assess your financial situation. Sit down with your parents or trusted adults and talk about what would be doable. Though parents can’t always help with the actual money, they may be able to help you find scholarships, grants and realistic ways to deal with any debt. Think about what you want to gain in college. It’s recommended to truly consider who you are as a person and where you think you may fit best. If it would help, take time to write down each of these choices and why they’re important to you.

Compare and Contrast your thoughts on:

  • Social vs. Academia School

  • Close vs. Far Schools

  • Big vs. Small Schools

  • Importance of Teacher Ratio

  • Major Availability

  • Price Range

It’s also important to do your homework on the schools that may be on your mind. Look at their sites online, sign up for free information, or ask a trusted adult about any places they have been. If you have any special needs like tutoring in math or science, see if they’re provided in any Universities that you have in mind. Also know the requirements to attend. I wouldn’t apply for Harvard if you’re barely passing high school. I mean, unless you have the money to just do that.

In the end, the greatest advice I can give about finding your place is to look carefully at your options and pick what fits you best. You can’t always know for sure what exactly it’ll be like to be at a certain school, but to learn as much as you can before will prepare you and help you pick right for yourself. Don’t be afraid to look into a place that may seem out of your reach socially or price range. Big schools and small schools are more fitting than they sound, and it’s easier to get scholarships and grants than you’d think for pricier schools. Take a chance and take a tour of the school if you have to. And at the very least, know that you can always transfer if you find yourself unhappy with your choice later. Take it easy, trust your gut, and trust what you’ve learned with this decision.


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